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Friday, October 23, 2015

The 10 movies people love watching over and over

Do you have a favorite movie that never seems to get old no matter how many times you've watched it?

You're not the only one.

Using data from over 1,000 people, Walt Hickey at FiveThirtyEight put together a list of the 25 most rewatchable movies of all time.

Turns out, when it comes to rewatching movies, many people have pretty similar tastes.

Of course, it's not an exact science. For several entries, Hickey had to interpret whether the person meant an individual film or an entire series, such as "Harry Potter" or "Star Wars."

There is also a difference between the movies men like to watch and the ones women like to watch.

How many of these movies have you seen?



  1. Comcast charges extra for an HD box plus an outrageous charge for cable tv on top of that. There on demand video is a rip off. I can get full HD programming and a superior picture through my ROKU box that has hundreds of choices of different channel options that are totally free and with only one commercial interruption during the programming. The only problem is, I am still stuck with Comcast for the internet and they charge me almost 70 dollars per month just for this!!! It's still cheaper than the 110 I was paying and I was only watch just a few channels of the junk they were charging me for. I can get my favorites commercial free like programs from the major networks. I can watch the whole series on Netflix, hulu, or Amazon. It's worth it. If only there were more competition for internet! Then I could cancel Comcast completely!
    No need for Directv or dishnetwork either!

    1. Have been informed that cable companies in the area ,only two, Comcast and Mediacom, actually pay towns to be the only providers. It's damn near a monopoly and need to be illegal. Crooks. All of them.

  2. I've seen them all. Bladerunner should be on the list.

  3. I can't get enough of Sergeant York,National Lampoons Vacation or Caddyshack,but that's just me.I totally agree with those on the list.

  4. 1,2,3,4,7, and 8... But they left Office Space off the list. Best movie ever!

  5. 2:51 Talk to anyone in the Pines with horrible Mediacom service. OP signed a 10 YEAR CONTRACT with them to be the only provider. Comcast was going to buy them out but found the equipment to be in such a state of disrepair that it was not worth it to them. Now think about that because Ocean Pines has over 60 miles worth of roads and houses planted about 15 feet apart the whole way! I do agree that Comcast is horrible and only getting worse and more expensive, their only plus is that from my experience the technicians they send out really know their stuff and do a good job.

  6. Goodfellas! I could watch that movie everyday.

  7. Duncan does Salisbury, Ireton Blows, SPD-Mall cops, Fire Boat Follies. All good local comedies.

  8. I watch The Birdcage every time I see it in the listings.

  9. 4:30 love those movies, you forgot a couple though, Daily Times Rag, and the PRMC staff infections!

  10. Heat. Best Movie Ever Made. Periods.........

  11. 1:38 PM... I saw that once. Then the dude ran in with a knife and stuff went flying crazily. Best movie ever!


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