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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

States Attorneys Office Convicts Heroin Dealer

I wanted to share that another Heroin dealer was convicted today after a jury trial in the Wicomico County Circuit Court. We will issue a press release in the morning. Tonight, however, I wanted to thank the Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force, Gang Enforcement Unit and DEA for their incredible effort. (Today's defendant was convicted of crimes including: Possession with Intent To Distribute Heroin (some laced with Fentanyl x 2), Trafficking, and Possession-Heroin Large Amount). Convicting dealers is one facet of the County's strategy that includes intervention and prevention. There were 21 reported overdoses on the Eastern Shore in September--9 were reported in Wicomico County (2 of the 9 were fatal).

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Only two I've seen and both in one day. Where is the rest of the efforts at?


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