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Monday, October 19, 2015

SPD Press Release 10-16-15

We originally posted this on Saturday 10-16-15, however many people could not read the information due to the type of file format used by SPD when they posted the press release on Twitter.


  1. Well there is nothing there now to look at either

  2. There appears to be a battle waging between the haves and the have nots.I don't have a great deal of money myself,but their situation is no fault of mine.I'll admit we had 2 children when our finances were questionable (at best),but we made it & did not blame anyone else when shortcomings arose.Anyone who can't see that they are blaming us for their situation is blind,even if their situation involves drug abuse or whatever.Generation after generation of irresponsible breeding has left the responsible among us with one heck of a problem.

  3. Just another day in the Bury.


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