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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Some students, parents unhappy with principal's decision to drop spirit day celebrating America

A group of students and parents are upset that the Annapolis High School principal rejected an idea to host a spirit day celebrating America.

Principal Sue Chittim turned down a student group's request to have an America Day during spirit week, because dozens of students last year inappropriately wore the American flag as a cape or a dress, she said.

"It was too disruptive to our instructional day," Chittim said in an email.

But some students and parents said America Day is a unifying tradition and an opportunity to express patriotism.

The student government association proposes the themes for spirit days, which lead up to the homecoming football game this Friday, and the principal approves or rejects the ideas. Chittim said many ideas are discussed and rejected.



  1. The American flag should never be worn as clothing. Very disrespectful.

  2. rise up and do it anyway. A little civil disobedience is what is needed here.

  3. No, but I guess carrying a rug around and moving all the desks would be ok and not be disruptive for the teachers. I agree the American flag should never be worn as clothing but showing your patriotism, carrying a small flag, would not disrupt anything or anyone.

  4. Drop the Principal on his HEAD or her HEAD or the TRANSGENDER HEAD they are!!!

  5. Anonymous said...
    The American flag should never be worn as clothing. Very disrespectful.

    October 13, 2015 at 1:25 PM

    A clueless Lefttard!

    Anyone with a brain would know that is not the issue.


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