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Sunday, October 04, 2015

SFD called to E. Church St. to remove a patient from the second floor for transport to PRMC

Salisbury units were called to E. Church St. to remove a patient from the second floor for transport to PRMC. The size...
Posted by Salisbury Fire Department on Tuesday, September 29, 2015


  1. whoever posted these pics has no class

  2. Good work, fellows. That was a difficult and complicated extraction.
    I hope that you got lots of pictures for instructional purposes (and not for entertainment.)

  3. The average non handicapped interior door is 28". The average exterior window is 28" in width. Please explain!.

  4. 8:13
    Narrow stairways. If you have ever lived in or been in an older home the stairways can be narrow and even getting furniture to the bedroom can be tricky and you can turn that several ways. You can't do that with a patient.

  5. Why would they post that on social media? Has the patient no right to privacy?

    1. Right to privacy on a public street? Someone missed a few episodes of matlock apparently.

  6. 8:13 Easier to crane 400 lbs. out a window then carry 400 lbs. down 2 floors and risk a back injury.

  7. Same classless exhibition as when they secretly photographed and smeared a dead man reputation from Phillips ave.

    What an embarrassment our public servants have become with all their grandstanding.

    This is not news and should never have been published.

    Is this what we have to look forward to, when we call for help? Our privacy invaded. Our faults broadcasted? Our homes photographed and put on social media as a circus display for entertainment?

    What a shameful disgusting community we live in.

  8. I don't see why anyone would have a problem with these photos. It is showing one of the unusual situations that they train for, being put to use. It is also showing why equipment that is not used every day is necessary and that the department is prepared.

  9. That is fine if they want to post information to show off their skills and equipment. There is NO reason to post the street name or anything such as to where someone could relate it back to the patient as such is a HIPAA violation.

  10. "HIPAA violation?" Hardly. Please read up on HIPAA compliance before posting nonsense. It's treatment and health care info that is private and NOT a person's address. Even if they posted the house number, an apartment number and a description of the room's location that this person was removed from, it still does NOT violate HIPAA.
    All dispatched calls are public info subject to the MD Public Info Act unless a court says otherwise such as in a criminal investigation.
    Everyone thinks HIPAA is some wonderful law that protects every aspect of someone's medical history. The reality is, what is protected is very limited. The privacy clause is only a very very small part of HIPAA whose main focus is on health insurance coverage.

  11. 9:56 wrong. Posting someone's address is not by anyone's stretch of the imagination a HIPAA violation. Quite the contrary actually as all fire/ems/police calls are subject to public view because of "sunshine" laws.

  12. this is not showing off skills, it is just plain showing off. look at me. it has no useful purpose for training or anything else. even if that was the case, keep it in-house. I see no benefit for this being public knowledge, regardless if it's legal or not. just low class ego stroking.

  13. "B" Shift will be upset their photos didnt make your blog site.

  14. This is really wrong for this poor person's privacy to be invaded like this. Stuff like this does not need to be on social media or any website. Doctor's save lives everyday too, does that mean we need to be filming them and invade the patients privacy? Come on people!


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