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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Salisbury Independent Candidate Mug Shots

Even the Salisbury Independent, (run by Greg Bassett) can't get it right. Their most recent edition calls all three candidates, "Mug Box"

Come on Greg, your paper only comes out ONCE A WEEK, you can't/don't proof read it?


  1. Collector's items. These will fly off the racks...not.

  2. Professionalism at its best

  3. ROFLMAO. Somethings never changed. Does anyone wonder why Bassett got the boot from The Daily Times?

  4. Just this morning I saw two stacks of this rag sitting out in front of Skipjack's on OOC Road...soaked from the rain. They will be in the curb gutters clogging Jimmy's dump pipes pretty soon I would guess. Get your Speedo on Jimmy, we'll go swimming and run from the cops?

  5. Graduated in the bury.

  6. Do they still print newspapers? How 1800s


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