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Monday, October 19, 2015

REPORT: Limitless Immigration Creating Permanent Democrat Majority

Watching the Democrat debate, I couldn’t help but wonder why Republicans will likely struggle to eke out a victory against a field of candidates that in any other generation would be unelectable. There is not a single moderately liberal candidate with broad appeal in this field of Democratic presidential candidates. The Democrat Party of the 1980s, which was bad enough in its own time, would hardly recognize this cast of characters who champion the transgendered agenda, illegal immigration, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So why is it that by all accounts this will still be a relatively close election – with Democrats guaranteed over 200 electoral votes no matter the outcome, the quality of the candidates, or the issues confronting the country?

It’s immigration, stupid.

Sure, if you dumped this cast of characters into an election during the ‘80s, each one of them would likely lose almost every state. But times have changed.

There’s a reason the Democrats are such ardent supporters of open borders. It has helped give them an impervious floor of support very close to the 50-yard line in American politics, and under the current trajectory, they will easily cross that critical 51% marker of a permanent electoral majority.

A number of immigration analysts, including yours truly, have written about the unprecedented nature – in terms of scope, duration, and origin – of the current wave of immigration (which still hasn’t peaked). But what is truly breathtaking is the growth of naturalizations that has been engendered by this wave of immigration when compared even to the Great Wave around the turn of the century.

More facts and numbers:


  1. Its the winning way. I hope trump cleans them up in 2016. More Black should feel used and lied too.

  2. wake-up everyone, this has been their goal from the beginning.

  3. Duh! We didn't need the report to find that out. We need someone to do something about it!!


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