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Friday, October 09, 2015


“The public is understandably concerned about how this information is going to be used"

For years, police nationwide have used patrol car-mounted scanners to automatically photograph and log the whereabouts of peoples’ cars, uploading the images into databases they’ve used to identify suspects in crimes from theft to murder.

Nowadays, they are also increasingly buying access to expansive databases run by private companies whose repo men and tow-truck drivers photograph license plates of vehicles every day.

Civil libertarians and lawmakers are raising concerns about the latest practice, arguing that there are few, if any, protections against abuse and that the private databases go back years at a time when agencies are limiting how long such information is stored.

Some argue police should get a warrant from a judge to access the databases, much as they would if they wanted to obtain emails.

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  1. You people continually amaze me with your acquiescence to anything and everything the Nazi's tell you is "for your own good". You rolled over for Nazi checkpoints (remember when they said these checkpoints would ONLY be used for catching drunk drivers???? LOL!! ), then cheered when the Patriot Act eviscerated the Bill of Rights, and became absolutely delirious when the NDAA made secret warrants (or NO warrant) and secret prisons very legal, and when the NSA was caught ILLEGALLY wiretapping the entire country, some of you passed out with joy. SATAN himself would start chanting "USA! USA! USA!" and you'd compete to see who could cheer the loudest.
    Your wanna-be Nazi leaders are tightening the noose around your neck every day and you just high five each other?!
    When the president and his Homeland Nazi said returning veterans had to be watched and monitored because they were possible domestic TERRORISTS (!), you just nodded and started watching them, too (because you wanted show you were "goot ci-di-zens").
    Thomas Jefferson, if alive today, would cut your throat in the public square.

  2. It is illegal to run your tags without probable cause. I guess it's ok with you if your all suspected of a crime. Which essentially you are and how they get away with it. The more you sheep allow the worse it will get. Get a history book and read on the rise of Hitler and the nazi regime.


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