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Friday, October 30, 2015

Poll: Most North Carolina Republicans Want Hillary Clinton Impeached If She Becomes President

A new poll released on Oct. 27 shows Hillary Clinton with 61 percent of Democratic support in North Carolina, but most Republicans in the state would support her immediate impeachment if she wins the 2016 election.

The poll by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows a whopping 66 percent of GOPers support impeaching Clinton on the day she takes office.

However, PPP didn't ask Republicans why they would support Clinton's impeachment.

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama recently said that he would support impeaching Clintonbecause she allegedly compromised U.S. security with her private email server, which she had while serving as U.S. Secretary of State.

However, Clinton has not been charged with any crimes to support an impeachment.



  1. The Republicans better start worrying about their jobs. People across the country are sick and tired of their BS. Just like in VA after getting rid of cantor they vote Pratt. Now I hear they are sick of him because he's a rino after one term.

  2. If we had a law-abiding governing body, she would already be in jail - sitting right next to Eric holder and Lois Lerner....and Obumbler would be half rotted in a jail cell already also!

  3. If? Minorities and women will assure the Hildabeast Presidency. I will not vote for her.

  4. Hillary will be the Margaret Thacher of our times.

  5. 7:05, Your comment has more meaning then you think.

    What most Americans aren't thinking about is how old Hillary is. Can a President actually accomplish ALL of the things they promise while running for office and do so in just 4 years, HELL NO!

    Hillary will be so old and worn out by her second term, (GOD FORBID)most Americans by that time will be jumping ship and running off to other countries.

    Democrats need to rethink the whole Hillary thing. The Democrats have nobody young enough and qualified enough to put us ALL on the right path.


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