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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Poll: Maryland governor has 54 percent favorable rating

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A new poll says 54 percent of Maryland residents view Gov. Larry Hogan favorably, up from 33 percent in February.

The poll by Goucher College released Monday found 15 percent viewed the Republican governor unfavorably and 30 percent responded they didn’t know.

The poll found 58 percent approve of the way Hogan is handling his job, up from 40 percent in the college’s February poll. The latest poll found 18 percent disapproved and 23 percent didn’t know.



  1. What's not to like about Larry Hogan?

  2. The way he's gone so far, I'd vote for him for President.

  3. Should be 100% favorable rating; he's amazing! But as we can see, there's still a bunch of ignorant liberaltards voting.

  4. Better gun rights and it will be 85%

  5. anon 8:51 that should be reworded to say liberalturds.

  6. 9:21 kind of disappointed on that issue.

  7. If he didn't lie about making CCW permits easier to get he would have a much higher rating!


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