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Friday, October 09, 2015

Only In Somerset County


  1. Nol pros. Make sure you vote for me.

  2. What happened to the DAN POWELL watch.

  3. Shame USED to exist somewhere in this country.
    Its now FUNNY to be arrested. Twice, for the same crime.
    His mom is SO proud.
    Stop laughing at his low IQ and see if he thinks 5 years is funny.
    Keep cheering.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. By his 10th offense, his screen print guy is going to have his hands full!

  6. Somerset had a guy from Mt. Vernon who had been arrested/locked up 5 times this year from everything from driving suspended/revoked to theft. He had his trial 2 weeks ago and got two and a half years jail time. This guy was on probation at the time he committed all of these offenses. He was always released on signature and never had a paid bond. While awaiting court, he burglarized the Sanitarian District Office (Offense #6 for this year alone) and stole approximately $10,000 worth of material as well a committing malicious destruction of county property. This guy was very quickly taken to court and all he got was more probation. However he does owe restitution to two of his victims and the Sanitary Office. The weird part about all of this is that he is a repeat offender and Dan Powell let him off easy again. Why doesn't Dan Powell push an agenda more for public safety and lock repeat criminals like this away for longer?? It should be noted that this guy did get twelve years originally but had all but two and a half years suspended. Apparently, probation had never been a deterrent for this guy and he just keeps going on with his criminal ways and creating more victims. A whole lot of us are very disappointed with Dan Powell and will never vote for him again as a lot of us had done in the past. We deserve better than this from Dan Powell!!

  7. Joe, you didn't notice that 11:58 used an IP address that I've NEVER used? And said something I would NEVER say, even under torture?
    It was a bit funny, though.


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