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Friday, October 09, 2015

Obama May Bypass Congress, Impose 'Order' For Gun Background Checks

President Barack Obama may use an executive order to impose new background-check requirements on people buying guns from high-volume dealers, The Washington Post reports. 


  1. BY pass Congress? What good will that do? There are safeguards that are now in place and not followed. Move to his home state and you will see. Worst Pres. ever.

  2. who going to do everything he can to keep this country on the train to hell before he leaves office! good bye and good riddance POS!

  3. Yea we are in trouble for the next 12 months. Not sure just how much a new president can undo??

  4. criminals always bypass the laws. so it makes sense

  5. There isn't going to be a next president just watch as things unfold.

  6. That is what I been telling these dumb ass people 8:57 AM

    There will be no other president, there will be no other elections... And the poster from above, you need to understand, once something is passes as law or in legislation, nothing gets repealed, NOTHING, EVER!!! they would make more laws and such to say these other laws are void, but they never remove them 100%...

  7. This is exactly how dictators run their country.
    There are laws and usually a Constitution of some kind, but it's only a show. They do as they please.

    Our RIGHTS are GUARANTEED. They aren't up for "negotiation", as Hildabeast just implied, nor are they open to "executive action" or "decree" by any one person. what's next for this pretender? An "executive order" shutting down a newspaper for printing a negative article???
    I don't think we're going to have enough rope.
    Keep cheering.

  8. There needs to be a complete and truthful background check on Obama.
    Bet that would never pass.

  9. Hang Obama on the White house lawn.


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