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Monday, October 12, 2015

Obama finally tells the truth!


  1. I puked in my mouth twice before I had to quit watching. Am I wrong for wishing the potus the most painful and agonizing death possible?

  2. May he forever rot in Hell.

  3. No you are not wrong 10:59. I wish the same. He's a very evil man. Only those who still support him are more evil and they are seeing what God does to evilness firsthand. All the inner city shootings aren't an accident. It's God's punishment because a lot of obama supporters are centered in inner cities. Each and every bullet that pierces a body was sent by God because the people in those areas have turned their backs to Him.

  4. Its against the law to threaten the potus as much as i hate him.

    1. Nobody threatened him. Just wishful thinking like myself and a majority of Americans have. He should be punished under law. Perjury, misconduct, homicide and sentenced to death for war crimes. God help us all if we get another one like him.

  5. He will start WWIII because he has distanced America from Israel.he is POSPOTUS.

  6. this is complete nonsense.

  7. Obama is simply a Muslim, clueless, community organizer that's in way over his head. He's a liar who absolutely loves himself and loves to hear himself speak. Prayerfully he will be gone soon. It will take years to undo all the damage he's done to this nation; with the help of congress.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Obama is simply a Muslim, clueless, community organizer that's in way over his head. He's a liar who absolutely loves himself and loves to hear himself speak. Prayerfully he will be gone soon. It will take years to undo all the damage he's done to this nation; with the help of congress.

    October 13, 2015 at 11:45 AM

    You are correct, but this Muslim POS needs to be locked in a Federal prison for war crimes and for being a Traitor!!

  9. Been saying he was a Muslim from jump street. Also been saying he is not a US citizen since there is no documentation he reinstated his citizenship from when he denounced his citizenship so he could attend an Indonesian school. Indonesia does not recognize duel citizenship and you have to be an Indonesian citizen to attend their schools. He even claimed to be a foreign student and got his loans for college that way. Prove these facts wrong before you comment on these facts.

  10. I want someone to make Joe Biden my President by tomorrow morning.

  11. This is a typical proof and fact that Obama-haters truly are the biggest racists, bigots, black-hating scumbags in America today, this is just another proof of .this being a fact! The President speaks the truth about the uneducated, hypocrite mouth breathers who *CLAIM* to be "Christian". Some of these comments prove Obama's point

    This is the PERFECT example of the Republicans' Obama derangement syndrome and their willingness to always go the opposite direction of what Obama says. Not ALL white Christian conservatives are vile, though I grant you most of 'em are.

    sick of you racist and bigots demeaning the President, and acting like
    Klansman Trump will brush his fake hair and save the whole entire world
    by being a racist, bigoted loud-mouth. How is this for NON-PC:

    Anyone who calls Obama a Traitor is a Racist idiot

    Anyone who calls Obama a Marxist is a Racist idiot

    Anyone who calls Obama a a Muslim is a Racist idiot

    Anyone who calls Obama a Communist is a racist idiot.

    Anyone who calls Obama illegal from Kenya is a racist idiot.

    Anyone who calls Obama a destroyer is a racist idiot.
    Were you screaming as loud at Reagan when he was funding nic by
    selling arms to Iran. Or are you a typical republican that forgot all
    about his treasonous ways.

    Not patriots, just plain ol' racists.

    Racists. Racists. Racists.

    People like you are the one ruining the U.S.A., right wing conservatives fanatics, warmongers, antisocial, and prejudice.

    Calling the POTUS a POS and a fraud seems to the usual calling call for you right-wing racists and bigots like you!


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