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Monday, October 19, 2015

Obama Continues to Ignore Generals’ Advice

In the end, President Obama was forced to listen to his generals — not his political instincts — on Afghanistan troop levels, and he decided to split the difference.

Mr. Obama is keeping 5,500 troops in Afghanistan beyond his presidency, about half the strength recommended by his top general in-country. It marks the sixth time he has rejected the advice of a ground commander on the force size in the long Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Military experts call that streak unprecedented for a commander in chief.

Like the current 9,800 U.S. troops there, the draw-down force of 5,500 will maintain a noncombat stance in training Afghan forces and hunting al Qaeda terrorists, Mr. Obama said Thursday. Administration officials said the U.S. will spend about $14.6 billion a year to house the troops at a total of four bases in Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad and Bagram — an increase over the estimated $10 billion annual cost of keeping a force at the U.S. Embassy in the Afghan capital.

“The security situation in Afghanistan is so far from stable that to pull out all the troops, even for this president, doesn’t make any sense,” said retired Army Gen. John Keane, who devised the 2007 Iraq troop surge and has advised Afghan commanders in the past.

Mr. Keane, whose guidance is sought by Congress, said Gen. Campbell wanted to retain the current force of 9,800, but Mr. Obama “cut that in half.”

“He still does not listen to his combat field general, who wanted the current force to remain as is,” Mr. Keane said. “Quite unprecedented, this is the sixth time President Obama has not listened to a field commander recommendation on force levels for troops in combat.”

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  1. The military needs to arrest Obama for treason.

  2. Obama disarming America for take overing USA.

  3. Hitler didn't listen to his generals either....maybe Barry will follow through the same way!

  4. The "Commander in Chief"...the leader of our military.

    Who never spent a a day in the military, not even ROTC.

    Our "Chief Executive"... who has never held a real job in his life, let alone run a business.

    The "Leader of the Free World" ... who has made us less free, not to mention pissed off just about everyone else, allies and enemies alike.

    This has got to be the most outrageous travesty of "affirmative action". Ever.

  5. Very Well stated 1:59

  6. Obama is the smartest man in the world. Just ask him.

  7. If he was actually trying to set the US up for an invasion/takeover, what would he be doing differently?


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