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Thursday, October 22, 2015

NYT: 'Bush Bucks' Reveals Half of Jeb's Wealth Comes from Companies He Gave Lucrative Deals as Governor

The New York Times previews Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer’s upcoming e-book Bush Bucks, an investigation of crony capitalism revolving around Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush.

From the New York Times:

Since announcing his presidential candidacy in June, Jeb Bush has made clear his distaste for officials who trade on their connections.

He has assailed the revolving-door culture of Washington, calling for “a little bit of a recession” there to thin the ranks of the permanent political class. He has proposed a strict six-year ban on lobbying for departing members of the House and the Senate.

And he has shown little patience for the euphemisms of the Capitol, using derisive air quotes to describe “government relations” and “government affairs” experts.

“It’s easy for elected officials to lay out standards of performance for others,” Mr. Bush said during a July speech in Tallahassee, where he worked for eight years as Florida’s governor. “But what are the high standards worth if they’re not applied to themselves?”



  1. He took bribes, payoffs, kickbacks, and gladly did backroom deals.
    Just like every slimeball politician alive. Its what they do.
    AND they used to go to jail and be shamed in the media.
    Now, they laugh at your indignation. And laugh at your continued and unabated cheering.
    And you can't even see how stupid you look and how stupid they think you are....

  2. Saudi's want him in there so they can have another puppet. How much of all the Bush wealth has come from sucking up to the Saudi's?

  3. Nothing different than Hitlery did when she was secretary of state.

  4. This is a surprise to anyone?

  5. Wasn't it really the Saudis we should have invaded for revenge after 9/11? Everyone involved were Saudis, that little fact always gets overlooked in the story.

  6. DUH. That's the game. Why do you think Trump is going to become President.


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