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Monday, October 12, 2015

Newly-uncovered Letters From Kim Davis Could Change The Entire Story

Anticipating a Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis wrote Kentucky state lawmakers early in 2015 requesting they exempt country clerks who had religious objections from being required to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Davis sent the letters about two weeks after she took office in January VICE News reports. In the letter (which VICE obtained through an open records request), she noted that county clerks could be exempted from issuing hunting and fishing licences under Kentucky law, and she asked that legislators allow her to “have the option, as a person who has deep moral convictions to choose not to discriminate any party, by applying for an exemption for the issuance of a marriage license.”

“I can not ask my deputies to issue or be a party to ‘the implementation of a contentious societal philosophy change’ (per Florida clerk with same views) if I myself would not,” the 49-year-old explained. “I know the deadline is close for presentation of bills on the floor, but in light of the Supreme Court’s decision to look at this in April, I feel it imparitive [sic] that we be ready to stand with our uncompromising convictions, holding strong to our morals.”

“As a constitutional officer elected by the people I personally feel the Commonwealth’s Constitution should be upheld… "



  1. Kim Davis tried everything she could to get Equal Justice for her and any other person that had moral and religious objections to same sex marriage. She should never have been imprisoned. The state of KY. needs to step up to the plate and do what's right for her.

  2. Yes, Kim Davis is so special she doesn't have to follow the law. Special rights for her so she can collect her check.

  3. How does this change anything? Her superiors cannot ammend the law and she and everyone else knows that. This is smoke. She needs to go.

  4. The voters of Kentucky don't want Gay *marriage. Gay's are intolerant of religious objection which is a fundamental right...Gay marriage is not a right.

  5. Ah but it is a right 6:04, and clearly defined.


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