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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Maryland gun-control advocates push for nationwide adoption of state’s handgun law

Some Maryland officials think the state’s strict handgun-purchasing law won’t work as effectively unless other states adopt similar rules. (Neil Hall/Reuters)

U.S. Rep. Chris Van Hollen and Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh on Wednesday called for other states to join Maryland in requiring licenses to purchase handguns, saying the rule works best to stem gun violence when it applies across jurisdictions.

During a news conference with other gun-control advocates at a Baltimore County courthouse, the officials said that firearms tend to flow from states that lack permit-to-purchase laws to those that have them, with guns often landing in the hands of criminals.

Ten states and the District of Columbia have licensing requirements for handguns, but the Maryland border states of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Virginia do not.



  1. In the mean time I'm looking into moving to Delaware because I can lawfully obtain a carry permit. Maryland's border states still abide by the Constitution.

  2. do not expect the other states to follow. Omally screwed us with this crap and ignored the will of the people. No other local state is dumb enough to follow suit.

  3. LOL
    We already get laughed at by the other states.
    Gun control is a false sense of security.
    It will never keep the guns from the criminals.
    It only creates defenseless victims.
    Can only hope that those pushing control become the next victims and not
    those they keep from protecting themselves.
    Hopefully our new GOV will help to do away with the Maryland gun laws not
    promote the insanity across the borders of other states.
    I think the legislators in other states have a little more common sense than our brain dead legislators in Maryland.

  4. and with our new laws we have seen an increase in shooting deaths in Maryland

  5. How about this Maryland needs to remove their head from the rectum and abide by the second amendment and overturn their communist gun laws

  6. WACKOS can't see how well such restrictions work in
    Chicago and DC. Naive enough to believe restricting gun sales to law abiding folks will reduce purchases by criminals.

    Same people probably support baby killing by Planned Parenthood.

  7. Yeah those strict Gun laws for the legally abiding citizens of MD have really worked! Ask BALTIMORE!!!!!!!!!!

  8. When the gun-grabbers can show positive, CONCRETE results of these laws, then they can lecture others about it.
    Until then... think 'Baltimore'.

  9. These liberals don't get it....criminals ignore laws...and look for gun-free zones...like YESTERDAY!

  10. Chris Van Hollen will be the next US Senator from MD :(

  11. The gun control crowd is nothing but a bunch of ignoramuses. We have all kinds of drug laws on the books and that hasn't done a thing to curb illegal drug use. Same with guns.
    As with an forbidden thing the more laws means more black market/criminal elements emerge to flood the streets with the illegal items.
    On the reverse legalizing and making the forbidden thing legal as they did with pot in CO also then creates a black market to undercut prices. CO is only realizing 1/3 of the money from the sales of pot then projected, not nearly enough to cover the gov't bureaucracy created to oversee the sales.
    The real problem are people. Any and all violence relates to many factors including the breakdown of the traditional family, lack of familial and societal values and morals. Political correctness which dictates everyone is supposed to love everyone else and not ever utter a word about others weaknesses and faults and differences.

  12. They need to stick to problems of this state and not stick their nose where it was not invited! We do not pay them to worry about what is going on in other states!

  13. What are the demacrats smoking beside pot

  14. Frosh is a piece of CRAP!

  15. like Rush just said, all the people killed yesterday DIDN'T have guns

  16. O'Malley signed Maryland's idiot gun laws and look at how good he is doing running for pres. Still playing his fiddle on the streets in front of a crowd of 8 or 10. This guy running for office will not get my vote.

  17. Gun free zones are too dangerous to live in.

  18. Why would anyone in the US want more gun control laws. Then you would end up like the UK where crime is rampant and is rising rapidly. In the UK there are 2,034 offenses per 100,000 people, way ahead of second-place Austria at 1,677. The U.S. has a rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada has 935, Australia has 92, and South Africa has 1,609.
    This is what happens when you disarm a populace. You are robbed in the streets, you are robbed in your home, you are yanked from your car and it is taken.
    Nothing is sacred. Nothing is yours because those with criminal intentions know you can't fight back.
    US democrats are mindless fools. The thought that someone may have a gun is the only thing keeping the US from the crime the UK is experiencing.

  19. What part of "...SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED...." do these weak minded, logic-challenged, scared of shadows and boogeymen, blind lemmings not understand???
    The very people putting these proposals out there are the same ones packing heat and surrounding themselves with private armies who can kill you for reaching into your pocket.
    They LOVE having all those guns around them. Mainly because they are becoming more and more afraid of "we the people" coming to end their reign. And rightly so.
    We're coming soon. Some of us anyway.
    The rest of you?
    Keep cheering.

  20. Yesterday at Food Lion in Delmar a customer was wearing a holstered side arm. Some pansy ass woman called 911 and of course the police responded. The customer was escorted to the office where he presented a valid carry permit from the State of Delaware. In my opinion the 911 caller should pay restitution for the service call. Obviously another liberal Democrat Obama voter who was probably paying with food stamps. If it were I, I would have thanked the guy for his service.

  21. , I would have thanked the guy for his service.

    October 2, 2015 at 5:05 PM

    what service? and what makes all of you think people want to be thanked? people used to walk up to me and thank me for my service and I was just dumbfounded. it was a choice I made that I wanted to do. no thanks necessary or wanted. maybe it just made them feel better.

  22. Open carry in Maryland now !

    1. Maybe not open-carry, that makes the wearer a primary target. Concealed carry is what needs to be advocated and the existing laws on Maryland's books now are ridiculous. "Personal Protection" should be a good and substantial enough reason to be granted a CCW.


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