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Friday, October 23, 2015

Louie Gohmert Slams MSM for Failing to Cover Planned Parenthood Scandal

Rep. Louis Gohmert denounced the mainstream media Tuesday for its lack of coverage of the apparent Planned Parenthood practice of harvesting the body parts of unborn babies for sale.

Gohmert released a statement highlighting a letter he and other members of Congress sent to the presidents of ABC, NBC, and CBS News about their failure to cover the undercover videos produced by Center for Medical Progress (CMP).

“It is absolutely outrageous that mainstream media stations such as ABC, NBC and CBS have chosen not to report on the disturbing undercover Planned Parenthood videos which depict the trafficking of infant body parts in the United States,” Gohmert said. “These practices are not only grotesque; they shock the conscience of anyone who appreciates the miracle and beauty of a child.”


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