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Monday, October 26, 2015

Long Wait Time

People are growing tired of the long wait time they experience in Delmar at Rt. 54 & Bistate Blvd. The wait time is just as bad as some of the lights on Rt. 50 at Wor-Wic and elsewhere on Rt. 50. Delmar needs to rethink this boondoggle and go back to the way it used to be.


  1. Same thing at the light to make a left turn into Cambridge walmart .what idiit programs these?

  2. Yeah a lot of people are just by passing the light taking one of the side roads to East st. Then they cross Bistate and go back onto 54. This creates a lot more traffic on those smaller roads and its hard enough to get around with all the cars parked along the sides.

    One of the worse lights though for me is the light at Naylor St. and Rt. 13.

    Naylor St. is one of the only Streets where you can make a left turn on Rt. 13 in that area. When ever Deer's Head has a shift change that area is backed up so bad it a wonder anyone can get out.

  3. It was worse when you needed to turn left onto Bi-State coming from rt 13. Had to sit through three or four lights do to the people coming straight on State St. toward the highway.

  4. Did you IDIOTS know, that a lot of these cameras are motion cameras meant to track you? The reason why I point this out, is not to scare you, because we all know we are tracked everyday by the govt...

    The reason I brought that up is because, these cameras are motion cameras that can detect your speeds, just as Delaware has and is doing, Maryland is following suit, but would you expect anything less in Nazi Maryland? The cameras track your speed and if someone is speeding to the light or near by, it can detect that, and it makes the light turn red and you wait longer... It is speed triggered and since everyone speeds, it always stays on red... at least as far as the camera can pick up cars...

    Could this be what is at this particular intersection?

  5. 4:29 thats pretty high on the list of dumbest things i have heard.

  6. Put in place by bureaucrats who have plenty of time on their hands so they assume you do also.

  7. The absolute worst wait is Pinebluff an 13

  8. 4:29...it's Delmar Delaware

  9. Leave in plenty of time to get where you are going early......and just chill! Ain't it great to be retired?????? YES

  10. The whole area is a mess. Lights need to be synchronized throughout Salisbury.


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