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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Lesbian Bishop Wants to Remove Crosses from Church to Appease Muslims

A lesbian bishop from Sweden has announced her desire to move crosses from a Christian church to make the building “more inviting” for them.

InfoWars reports:

Brunne, who is the first openly lesbian bishop of a mainstream church in the world, wants the church to be treated more like a public airport, where prayer rooms are made available to Muslims, by removing Christian symbols and “marking the direction of Mecca.”

The proposal has drawn backlash, with Patrik Pettersson, priest of the Oscars parish in Stockholm, arguing, “The church chapel can not reasonably be equated with prayer rooms at airports and hospitals. The Christian church and chapels are not just any public areas.”

Robert Spencer wrote, “This is what a society and culture in the midst of suicide looks like.”



  1. Stop bending to them. Its their way or the highway. I wish people had the balls to say enough is enough.

  2. As a country we need to compromise all of our core values, and traditions to please the minority.
    Strike religious names of holidays from the school calendar, do away with prayer in public schools and other public places. Get the Bible out of the courts and schools. Erase history that might distress people, tear down flags, monuments, graves, anything that could be considered "Hateful", by the minority of citizens. Get rid of guns, they cause death, I know I worry everyday that mine will go out when I'm asleep and shoot someone.
    Then when we have no history, no values, no religion, no guns, nothing left, then what are the minority going to want to change?

  3. F her, and rot in hell.

  4. And she calls herself a Bishop? What a joke.

  5. She is NOT a real priest under the pope it is a gay agenda that is going to hell.

  6. She could not only be executed for being a lesbian, but for her Christian faith.

  7. More inviting for them? Is she batshlt crazy?

    A single cross makes it too "inviting" for them, as it is...to come in and murder innocent people.

  8. @12:26 Separation of church and state. It's in the Constitution.... Not religious, but I do think that removing a cross from a place of Christian worship seems...idiotic.

  9. 3:33 the Separation clause in the Constitution means that this country should not have a national religion, like the "Church of England" not banning religion items from school, courts, and other public property, it was a bunch of idiot liberal judges that twisted the founders intent.


  10. Certainly wish her well on her mission trip to the ISIS areas. Hope she embarks soon!


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