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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Left Wing Media Ignores Sitting Councilman Tim Spies

Leave it to the Lame Stream Media, (Salisbury Star) to only cover the candidates they're interested in, or perhaps those candidates interested in running an ad with them. 

Mr. Spies has served the citizens of Salisbury extremely well, yet the Liberal Media very openly ignores all the years of service Mr. Spies has delivered, including his extensive military service in the Navy. 

Now here's the kicker. Their Front Page Article this week, (GET THIS) is of Laura Mitchell, who is running unopposed. 

Now mind you, even the Star admits that they only print 5,500 copies of their paper. Nevertheless, it just goes to prove how one sided your print media is. After interviewing Mr. Spies on this matter, this is what he said;


The only correspondence I've received from the Salisbury Star is what's below, which seems only an offer to advertise in their paper.
I have thoroughly checked my email and phone records and they show what my memory tells me, that I have never received any request from anyone named Tony Russo, or anyone identifying themselves as a writer for the Star for any sort of interview.



  1. Unreal, piss poor reporting.

    Go Tim.

  2. Maybe the fix is in to leave Spies without the media coverage that everyone else gets. The Jake Day machine is big.

  3. Maybe that it's that Spies has done such a good job that he's too popular for the competition.

  4. THats a joke. Tim Spies is the best candidate of all. He would make a good mayor.

  5. You can count on my household at the polls, Tim!

  6. And ours, too, Tim. You've been compassionate, responsive and a good leader for our community. Thanks for all you've done and we hope that you win so that you can do more to make Salisbury a better place. We need more people just like you.

  7. I wish that I could vote for you, Tim, but redistricting made our choices less than we would hope for. Good luck!

  8. Mr. Spies has my vote too. Heath is a buffoon as he has shown time again since he was appointed.

  9. Elect the E-9 Master Chief Petty Officer

    U can bet of the vet


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