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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Lawyers Ask Judge To Force Prosecutors To Release Freddie Gray Evidence

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Lawyers for the six officers charged in Freddie Gray’s death asked the judge to force prosecutors to turn over evidence. They claim prosecutors have been sitting on key witness statements.

Denise Koch reports the accusation comes in a new court filing, according to our media partners at the Baltimore Sun.

The attorneys for six Baltimore police officers in the Freddie Gray case are calling for the court to sanction prosecutors in a new court filing obtained by the Baltimore Sun.

The defense claims prosecutors are just turning over evidence that should have been provided weeks ago, like witness statements that Gray was “losing his mind” in the police van, “kicking the inner door and aggressively shaking.”



  1. I'll be really surprised if any of these are convicted by a jury of their peers!

  2. Start burning the city now to stay warm through the winter!

  3. The problem with that 5:19 is the "jury of their peers" part. You have to go outside of Baltimore City to get a "jury of their peers" you know somewhere where people are educated and have jobs.

  4. 6:22 - absolutely correct...kinda why they need to relocate the venue!

  5. Look at everything the mayor has done as of late. Especially giving part of the jury pool millions before it even went to court. They all think they will get a piece of the pie. Or they b will do something really stupid! #!! Let the black cops off and hang the white ones.

  6. Not sure what has transpired but the defense has filed another change of venue motion.
    The guy who filmed the infamous video said in an interview shortly after that Freddie was carrying on and rocking the van to at least the next block, which would be where the first stop occurred.
    Anyone can see why a reasonable person would think he was faking an injury. In the video he was acting limp like he couldn't move, then when he stepped up on the van he miraculously stood on his own 2 feet, lifted his formerly limp head, turned it said something to the bystanders, ducked down and walked on his own into the van.
    If he was banging around enough to rock the van, why would a seatbelt be the preferred method to restrain him as he would then still be free to bang his head on the wall of the van.
    They did the right thing. Hand cuffed and leg shackles face down on floor. Little did they know Freddie had superman powers and was able to get up from that position.

  7. He probably wasn't really injured when he went into the van, but was placed in a protective face down position for his own protection. His stupid idea to try to jack them on yet another false injury claim. He stands up hoping to hurt himself a little, for de ca$h of course...and ends up really injuring himself. His own fault.


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