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Monday, October 12, 2015

Jerry Parr, Secret Service Agent Credited With Saving Ronald Reagan, Dies

Jerry Parr, the Secret Service agent credited with saving the life of President Ronald Reagan, has died.

The Washington Post reports that Parr died at a hospice center in Washington. He was 85.

Parr became part of history when John W. Hinckley Jr. opened fire in 1981. As he described in many interviews since then, Parr heard the shots and immediately pushed Reagan into a waiting limo.



  1. I say shades of FDR when it comes to the attempted assassination of Reagan.Every effort was made to downgrade the severity of Reagans' injury as it was conveyed to the public,but we now know that he almost died.That was done for the benefit of national morale.In the case of FDR every effort was made to hide his physical condition from the public for the very same reason.Very few people who lived during his administration had any idea how ill he actually was.

  2. Just curious, where is Hinkley now? I know he had been allowed outside family visits back in the day, but what now? Is he in or out?

    I mean, is he able to make Joe Biden my president today?

  3. I was just viewing pictures of when Princess Diana and Prince Charles visited the White House when Reagan was president. That was the visit when the Reagans hosted a gala and Princess Diana danced with John Travolta. Such classy days.
    Now we've got rappers like Common, Jay Z and Eazy E going to the White House. Whoever the next residents are of that house will need to fumigate the place. Such common ghetto trash living there. True-You can take them out of the ghetto but you can't take it out of them.

  4. 10:01 --

    Don't forget about the vermin that visit Obammy -- like Al Sharpton.


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