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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Jeb! Donors Now at Panic Level '6 or 7'

Jeb Bush’s donors are getting scared and may jump ship if a $25 million advertising campaign in October doesn’t bump up his poll numbers, says a new Politico article.

“If this $25 million doesn’t move numbers, in two weeks, that’s when you’re going to see panic set in,” a donor told Politico.

“Another Bush donor invited to [Bush headquarters in] Miami, assessing the state of anxiety within Bush’s operation on a scale of 1 to 10, put the panic level at a “6 or 7.”

“Are some people nervous? Of course. Some people are always nervous,” one of Bush’s biggest donors, also speaking anonymously, said. “And things don’t look really good right now…if the election were tomorrow, we’d be s–tting bricks. But the election isn’t tomorrow. We have time. And we have the experience on our side. No one [else] has the campaign, the infrastructure that Jeb has. And no one [else] has the money.”



  1. All the money in the world won't save him. He is a Bush, and he is a Rino establishment republican. He has too much baggage. His endorsement of Bohnner, and comments concerning immigration has already lost my vote.

  2. Notice, of all the things he listed as assets for Bush, NONE of them were "best ideas", "best plans", or "best leadership".
    He DID mention "money".
    That should tell you everything you need to know about them.
    They are not interested in inspiring us, or leading us, or improving our lives. Bush just wants to add "President" to his resume and thinks he can BUY a dynasty.
    Keep cheering.

  3. If he could just get rid of that stupid grin it would be a plus.


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