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Friday, October 23, 2015

UPDATE, Read The Comments: In Case You Missed It, Listen To This Recent Salisbury Crime Interview


  1. She mentioned driving through streets and neighborhoods that she would lock her doors when driving through. My question is , be more specific , why would you lock your doors , what " exactly " are you afraid of . Get to the root of this problem street and neighborhood.
    Are these areas predominately of a certain culture ? Are they scary because of what they do or you see them do , or you have heard of them doing ? Does it remind you of the lower class as in Baltimore or N.E. D.C.?
    I certainly can relate , I too have the same feeling and don't wish to drive through certain areas , why is this ? Why do we allow certain cultures to own parts of the streets or neighborhood ?
    We shouldn't have to beat around the bush like this , we all know what's going on , yet everyone is afraid to say it . Enough said!

  2. 8:02, You can't be serious. Are you telling me that you would encourage your Daughter to keep her doors unlocked in ANY neighborhood? You are trying to make this a racial issue.

  3. The lack of homeowners in Salisbury is astonishing. I never realized it was that low. Wow!

  4. Until home ownership gets more in line vs rentals there will be no hope for the transit city of Salisbury.

  5. Their idea is to create large multi-unit complexes for rentals so that the landlords will be forced to sell their student rental houses to folks that will actually be living there instead of renting it out.

  6. My question is....how many of the 84% of rentals are subsidized somehow?

  7. 12:35, you can almost tell if a community is a subsidized community or not based on the rental rate. There are some where the subsidy goes from the government directly to the landlord (section 8), but you also have some that are Social Security, food stamp communities.
    Landlords are not allowed to charge more than 1/3 of your yearly income in rent. So this is the kind of rental rates that you will see at one of these slumlord communities that target deadbeats:

    1 bedroom
    up to 2 adults (salisbury city code)
    800ish per person in SSI(and I don't old people, 20-30 somethings)
    800*2people/3rd of income= $533 per month

    2+ bedrooms and house rentals can get a little more complicated because you can have 4 adults or 2 adults with children (who come with their own government pay checks). If you remember this math though it will give you a pretty good idea of what your looking at.

    It can run higher than this because our young SSI recipients have plenty of free time to get food stamps, utility assistance, disability, ect. All of them count as well.

    Utility assistance is usually through a charity service rather than the government and they require paperwork verifying that the rent is paid and the tenant still at the address, so every month you get the parade of losers coming in with their papers in hand and a check that has a 50/50 chance of bouncing anyway.

  8. Oh there's more to this story and you'll be learning it very soon. I'll give all of you a hint, the link has been pulled by instructions from SU. More to come...

  9. Oh really? The link has been pulled as per "instructions by SU"?
    How totally irresponsible of them. Now you know they want to hide the fact that Salisbury is a crime ridden slum not fit for cockroaches otherwise they would counter the claim with their own video. What cowards they are not wanting the students, potential students, parents and the community to hear the truth.

  10. They pulled it because of pressure from landlords? The city? Jake Day?

  11. Why would you not lock your car doors? That's what they are for- to keep you safe anywhere. You could be in a perfectly safe neighborhood and stop at a stop sign or light and anyone could walk up and try to open your door. Same thing can happen in any parking lot. Keep your doors locked at all times and you will be a lot safer.

  12. WBOC just posted on their FB-"A website says date reveals Salisbury to be one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S."

    What did they do, just wake up over at WBOC or something?
    This is something this site Salisbury News, has been reporting on for years now.

  13. This could get dicey!


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