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Saturday, October 10, 2015

"I'm Not Here To Beg You To Open Your F##king Eyes"

So I’m often asked whether I really believe that government and policymakers intentionally create laws and policies that hurt the people and help themselves. My answer is typically that

“if you’re asking me this question you know I do but you don’t believe me; so either do your own research or continue to live in the world as you wish to perceive it. I’m not here to beg you to open your fucking eyes”.

I started this blog about 18 months ago and I have chosen to provide my research with no income attached to it. It means I have no axe but the truth. I spent 13 years in major international banks and have been on both sides of the double edged sword that makes the financial services sector a place to reap riches and also to be thrown to the wolves. That is, I am intimately familiar with the system. That said, what I’ve discovered is that really very little effort is required to see the world for what it is.

The closest analogy is probably best left to Orwell with Animal Farm. Humans around the world have been molded to believe they are part of a system to enable them to get ahead. While some do manage to find a path that has substantial monetary rewards the vast majority (and growing) have, whether they realise it or not, succumb to a role of Boxer, the cart-horse.

That is, our lives revolve around putting in 8 to 10 hours of labour each day for which we receive enough to feed ourselves and our families, have a warm place to sleep and some of us are able to obtain some credit from which we can enjoy things like new cars every few years (while rarely actually owning them). However, in terms of reaping rewards we sew, it is simply not reality. The current system has a clear economic hierarchy which began taking shape centuries ago in Europe. The problem which seems to exist is that people are willing to look at a calendar, see that it’s Thursday but believe almost any (false) figure of authority who says it’s Wednesday. Let me give you an example.



  1. You just need to realize that people in government think that those that are not in government are around just to support them and the government

  2. too bad you can't get your message across without cussing.

  3. 5:59, get over yourself!


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