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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Illinois Sixth-Graders Are Being Taught Islam Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 Attacks

You’ve got to be freaking kidding me! A parent in Swansea, Illinois got a nasty surprise when her 12 year-old daughter asked what a Koran was. She looked at the vocabulary list which included items such as: Jihad, Islam, Muslim, Allah, Mohammed, Caliph, Hergira (which in fact should be Hijrah), Mosque, Koran, Baghdad and Ayatollah. Because you know, that’s what I expect my kids to learn in school. How about you? I’d have my child out of that school so fast, the earth would shake. I don’t see them teaching about Jesus and the Crusades, but Mohammed… well, evidently that’s history. This is taking political correctness way too far.

From Gateway Pundit:

Local Muslims celebrate the deadly 9-11 attacks in Pakistan in 2011 as they do every year.

A Swansea school is teaching 12 year-old kids that Islam had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks.

The school wants to emphasize tolerance.

The Belleville News Democrat reported:

Rachel Seger’s daughter “adores” her history teacher and “loves” the class at High Mount School in Swansea, but Seger didn’t like the 12-year-old’s homework of vocabulary words on Thursday night.

“She said, ‘What’s Koran mean?’ and I flipped,” Seger said. “I said, ‘Excuse me?’ and I looked at them, and I said oh my God.”

The vocabulary words included jihad, Islam, Muslim, Arabia, Muhammad, Allah, hegira, mosque, Koran and Baghdad.

“Some of these words, I don’t even know what they are: Ayatollah, caliph,” said Seger, who was shocked that the history class would step so close to teaching religion. “I don’t want her learning other faiths from school. If it would have just stopped at ‘this is their culture, this is where they go to church,’ fine. But when you get into the actual aspect of it, that’s where I’m drawing the line. That’s just going a little too far.”

Jim Munden, a sixth-grade history teacher at High Mount, would not comment other than to say the issue had been resolved with the family.



  1. Not allowed to say,do,or pray to GOD anywhere on school property but you can teach the Islam comic book.

  2. all schools are trying to change our history as it happened.

  3. No different than banning the confederate flag, it had nothing to do with going out and shooting people.

  4. Islam didn't have anything to do with 9/11. 9/11 was about making money, consolidating power and selling a war. The people who were the true masterminds got away with it scott free because we are all a bunch of chicken sh!ts.


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