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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hillary Says Australia-Style Nationwide Compulsory Gun Buyback Program “Worth Considering”

Hillary Clinton, the self-proclaimed “progressive moderate,” (?) has been going out of her way to stump for gun control on the campaign trail lately.
On top of announcing her own gun control plan which includes the executive orders she’d sign if she becomes president, Hill’s latest comments regard implementing Australia-style compulsory gun control here in the U.S.
Via The Hill:
“I don’t know enough details to tell you how we would do it or how it would work, but certainly the Australia example is worth looking at,” Clinton told a New Hampshire town hall on Friday…
“The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns, and then they basically clamped down going forward in terms of having, you know, more of a background-check approach, more of a permitting approach,” Clinton said.


  1. Yet tens f thousands of "automatic" weapons continue to flow into the armories of the local government's armories.....the better fm enforce the *law of the land".

  2. Hillary is a nut too!

  3. this is quite simple.

    do you want the government to have all the power, or the people?

    those with guns have the power, those that don't are called serfs.

  4. Same goal as Obama and Hitler: disarm the sheep and take complete control..


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