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Thursday, October 01, 2015

GOP, Let Obama Shut It Down and Own It

Establishment Republicans inside and outside Washington miss the grassroots' point. Even if we don't eventually prevail with defunding Planned Parenthood, we need to take this issue to the American people.

Establishment types believe that just as we are finally poised to recapture the White House, crazy tea party extremists are about to mess everything up because voters would blame and punish the GOP in 2016 for a shutdown.

But they always tell us to wait until the next election. When we didn't control the House, they told us to wait until we did. Same with the Senate. Now they say we have to wait until Jeb Bush is president.

They've cried wolf so long that conservatives no longer believe them. The conservatives aren't idiots. They knew when they elected these majorities that they would have great difficulty advancing the conservative agenda with President Obama in office. But they didn't expect them not to even try.

Yet the Republican leadership doesn't put up a fight, and establishment pundits go along with this surrendering. These are the same people who are apoplectic over the rise of Donald Trump. They can't understand how conservatives would support a man they believe is not conservative.

But what have their establishment darlings done to promote conservatism? Many Trump supporters believe that Trump gets it and will fight for them. They know the establishment won't.

The Trump phenomenon aside, I can't understand the establishment's resignation in assuming Republicans would automatically lose the PR battle over any federal government shutdown.

These folks said we'd lose the congressional elections if Ted Cruz fought for a shutdown over defunding Obamacare, but a year later, Republicans won stunning congressional victories. The establishment predictably responded that we won precisely because time had passed and people had moved on to other issues.


Keep reading..


  1. If the Government shuts down the GOP would be committing political suicide.

  2. I don't think people give a crap if the government shuts down...The GOP should shut it down ,but they won't.

  3. 2:02 have you noticed that the only ones saying that it is suicide is the press. if you pay attention the GOP won big after the last government shutdown. that is what is so appealing about Trump. if the press goes after him he fights right back. Can you imagine if he wins and gets into the Whitehouse and restructures the government. I believe it would be great. right now we are in deep trouble because of the government and it appears we are on the verge of a War. not a little war a world war. if that happens will you really be whining about a government shutdown? Something has to give and we need some backbone to do it.

  4. Hog wash!!!!! No way after the last seven years is that EVEN a possibility! ! Go back to your libitard blog and try again. If Obama gets money to fund PPH it's a loss for the Republicans. John bone head has screwed the pooch long before today.

  5. People, People. Don’t you understand that the establishment doesn’t have any interest in stopping the run away spending in Washington? Democrats and Republicans alike.
    Why do you think they attack the TEA party, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump? Because the “establishment” know that if any of these are elected things will change for the better of the people and not so good for the establishment.


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