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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Full-Fat Foods are Better For You

Real food has taken a beating for too long and recent studies are shedding a clearer light on full-fat not being the demon originally thought. When a media whistle goes off to “bad rap” a food item there are plenty of companies standing in line to provide a miracle replacement preservative filled product lower in fat, sugar, salt, and even no calories. I still don’t understand the whole no calorie thing from a nutrition standpoint and refuse to get on that soap box right now.

There is a famous quote from author Rory Freedman that goes “Whenever you see the words "fat free" or "low-fat," think of the words "chemical sh*t storm.” That pretty much sums up how full-fat is better for you, but it is also important to remember fat should not make up more than 30% of your daily nutritional intake. We can breathe easier, put away the fear surrounding full-fat and enjoy a little of the real deal to supply our nutrients and maintain a lean body.


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