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Monday, October 12, 2015

EPA Spends Millions On Military-style Weapons

The Environmental Protection Agency has spent millions of dollars over the last decade on military-style weapons to arm its 200 “special agents” to fight environmental crime.

Among the weapons purchased are guns, body armor, camouflage equipment, unmanned aircraft, amphibious assault ships, radar and night-vision gear and other military-style weaponry and surveillance activities, according to a new report by the watchdog group Open the Books.

“Protecting the environment just got real. With millions of dollars spent on military style weaponry, the EPA is now literally ensconced with all institutional force,” said Adam Andrzejewski, founder of Open the Books and the author of the report.

“Our report discovered that when the EPA comes knocking they are armed with a thousand lawyers, arrest/criminal data, credit, business and property histories, plus a ‘Special Agent’ with the latest in weaponry and technology,” Mr. Andrzejewski added.

The agency spends nearly $75 million each year for criminal enforcement, including money for a small militia of 200 “special agents” charged with fighting environmental crime.

Congress granted police powers to the EPA in 1988, during the Reagan administration.



  1. Good god! Are you people to stupid to see that the government is using these agencies to justify stockpiling weapons to be used against us! What does the EPA need these for? To fight against armed ranchers? It's disgusting. And you the sheeple are to blind and dumb to see it. Hard to see anything past a cops lap!

  2. Molon Labe Obama!!!!

  3. Their reasoning, which goes along the lines of "we MIGHT encounter one of those crazy, liberty loving western ranchers" when we try to stop them from collecting THE RAIN.......on his land.....that he owns....so we NEED to be able to RESPOND WITH FORCE". Think about that for a minute....remember, we're talking about the EPA. The F'ING EPA!!! And someone wants to argue the need for "we, the people" to have a strong Second Amendment right? A REALLY strong one?? The Second Amendment and was written to address this very danger. If only 20% of that 200 man force was assembled to "put down the resistance" or "insure compliance", that's 40 armed and trained men/women showing up (they could take over a TOWN if they wanted to...). Lots more coming, too. From the EPA! ...wow...
    If they need armed help, I always thought that was the realm and authority of the state police (and, if necessary, the FBI). Now, each agency of the already heavily armed "authorities" gets to have its own private army? With, of course, the continuing need of ever greater munitions and men. Picture them showing up with a mounted .50 cal. to "insure compliance".
    In case some beaver blocks a stream.
    Or some citizen with a .223 gets out of hand.
    Keep cheering.

    1. Like the social security administration. What do they need full auto weapons and apr's? Millions and millions of rounds. 50 cal.'s ? Lmao. It's coming. The sheeple will be the first. That's the best part about it. Kinda what I see the coming of the lord like. All those who aren't right and don't believe in total shock. I actually can't wait till it happens. We need our country cleansed.

  4. The new Amerika. We are becoming Nazi Germany, papers please?


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