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Friday, October 30, 2015

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star STICKS IT to Liberals – You’ll Love This

On the Fox Business Channel, ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Willie Robertson recently made a bold statement that has liberals fuming.

Robertson said:

What is this country coming to where the coach out in Washington can’t say a prayer [and] is going to get fired.

I’m kind of with the Founding Fathers of the country, who were strong believers that this whole country was founded on our Christian faith. They didn’t shy away from it, I won’t shy away from it. If you get fired you get fired. Some things are worth losing your job over.

GO HERE to view video.


  1. Way to go Willie, you da Man

  2. Although this mans opinion is completely correct, it is a complete shame that we allow a "reality" TV actor to be our moral concience. That is what is really wrong with America.

  3. The Country was founded on the belief in GOD, not the christian faith. The sooner people realize this, the sooner we can fix this Nation, instead of everyone firing off at the mouth with their ignorance.

  4. So, what, is God just some esoteric entity that we can refer to, but only in the most general and vague terms, as if He is just a name on a piece of paper with no consequences for not giving Him too much attention?
    And no "reality star" is the "moral conscience" of this nation. he is just another citizen, who, through his fame, gets media attention.
    Millions upon millions are standing shoulder to shoulder with him.
    We have stopped saying ANYTHING is "wrong". Someone's feelings may get hurt. Oh my.
    We need to go0 back to saying some things are just plain disgusting, deviant, perverted, and wrong. And if it hurts your feelings, you are not entitled to a large cash settlement.


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