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Monday, October 19, 2015

DOJ Official Praises the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Work

(CNSNews) – John Carlin, the assistant attorney general for national security, announced Wednesday that the Justice Department is creating the new position of domestic terrorism counsel to combat the “real and present threat” of domestic extremism.

Carlin praised groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center “that dedicate themselves to examining what the threat is, observing it, and reporting on it,” adding that the work of the SPLC was “very important.”

The SPLC says it places groups -- including conservative, Christian groups -- on its "Hate List" based on their beliefs, not their propensity for violence.

Carlin was asked about the value of SPLC’s work in helping DOJ deal with the threat of domestic terrorist extremism.

“I can say, based on our briefings, that as I said in my opening remarks, we very much think that the domestic terrorism threat is a real and present threat that demands to be addressed in new, creative ways,” he replied emphasizing that “Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups in this space are very important.”

The SPLC’s website features a “hate map” that lists the conservative. Christian Family Research Council (FRC) as a “hate group” because of its defense of traditional marriage.

More here


  1. Nice to see Lynch carrying the race torch after passing from Holder.

  2. "....domestic terrorism threat is a real and present threat that demands to be addressed in new, creative ways,....."

    Considering all the "new and creative ways' they ALREADY use against "we, the people", including turning on your TV or cell phone without you being aware (without a warrant), tricking your cell phone into sending it's signals to a POLICE RECIEVER instead of Verizon's tower, The all-encompassing and pervasive monitoring and recording of ALL electronic communications, roaming X-ray surveillance trucks looking through your house, drones taking photographs, face recognition programs storing your picture for life, my GOD!!!, that statement should scare the heck out of you.
    And now we have ANOTHER government "department" that will need some NEW ways to track, watch, listen, photograph, and record "we, the people"?????
    Remember, the ONLY thing that stopped the Nazi's (consult the above paragraph for a good idea of what they were like, only much more primitive) was KILLING them.
    I guess I just made another Homeland Security list (they wanted to call it "Fatherland", but thought better).
    Keep cheering. New and creative ways are coming soon to your neighborhood. And, as you already know, it's for your own good (AND protect the children).

  3. Anybody that doesn't agree with their radical left wing agenda is automatically put on their hate list.God help us if a democrat wins the white house.


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