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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Do You Agree?


  1. Get rid of all illegal aliens. Then build a wall and shoot whoever crosses it.

  2. he kinda looks like trump without the hair. certainly sounds like him

  3. So did Wilson after WW1 and Truman after WW2. They did that so the troops returning home would have a better chance to acquire work.

  4. I was told by ICE and Immigration that unless they commit a crime they cannot be arrested. You cannot just arrest them for being illegal immigrants.

  5. 11:19
    That is a policy not a law.
    Policies can be changed.
    I've often wanted to be the person interviewing the government official who says, "They're here we can't do anything about them now" to which I would reply "Why not?"

  6. They were made to simply disappear - so they wouldn't come back!

    That's the way it should be done now too!

  7. Who will work in the field to harvest the crops of fresh fruits and vegetables? Who will do the domesticated house work (cleaning) for the wealthy/ Who will work in fast food? Certainly not the new breed of young folks. . they wouldn't work in a pie shop!!! That this is not race specific. It is generational. .these young folks today have no manners or respect for anyone including themselves.

    1. YoungFolks are not to blame, for that is the way they were raised - for some reason those YoungFolks parents did not like the way their own Moms and Dads reared them - so those YoungFolks parents got the government involved and then the government and those YoungFolks parents totally screwed up their off springs - but the government did the better job with all the freebees and laws lacking common sense.

  8. 1:18 - if we eliminate all of the 'handout' programs - so they can't by a phone, gasoline (what car?!), or a beer - they'll work!

  9. I hope Trump deports them all. It will be funny to watch as those supporting such action see food shortages, prices go through the roof and increased costs for all industries using laborers.

  10. Most large food companies pay the workers the same whether they are US citizens or just pretend to be. Now, it will cause a problem with some of the subcontractors (frequently illegal themselves)who hire the illegals.(Think chicken catchers and crops that are hand picked.) Plus 1:45 is right. If you don't work no phone, car, beer, etc. The food prices will change but a lot won't go up much.

  11. 2:26
    None of that will happen. Just more mindless scare tactics.
    Round em up and ship em out!

  12. Ok 3:27 Who is going to harvest the produce in CA that you buy at the store? If not illegals getting paid cash under the table it will be legals at a higher wage per hour. Who is going to cover this added cost? Consumers. Same with chicken processing plants.

  13. "Who is going to harvest the produce in CA that you buy at the store? If not illegals getting paid cash under the table it will be legals at a higher wage per hour." You are correct, but you conveniently ignore the massive savings. Those increases will be more than off-set by the decreases we should see from not housing, feeding, educating, incarcerating and medically treating millions of illegals.

  14. Maybe the CEO's of those major food producers in California could take their 10 million salary down a notch or two.
    "We CAN'T raise wages!!! How will I afford that 32 room mansion in the Rockies! My God!! My kids will have to go to Rutgers! My neighbors will wonder if something is wrong when I don't buy the latest Porsche" My GOD!!!!!'
    Who picked all those oranges and lettuce BEFORE 30 million Mexican came here??
    Because I KNOW we were eating those things 40 years ago....
    And WHY haven't any exec's from Perdue, Mountaire, and Amick farms been jailed over all the illegals working at their plants?
    Keep cheering.

  15. Illegals my cost 113 Billion a year but what is the cost to us of all these people riding the welfare train?. Lets send the train riders back to Mexico and keep the illegals that want to work. Id like to offer a 2 for 1 trade, 2 of ours for 1 illegal.

  16. All illegals must be removed.


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