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Friday, October 30, 2015


"It gives us the ability to control a suspect instead of striking them," cop says

Looking for another nonlethal way to take down suspects, the Anderson Police Department decided to go the way of the dragon.

The police force in the Northern California town of about 10,000 people plans to equip its 20 officers with nunchakus, also known as nunchucks.

Basically, they’re what martial arts legend Bruce Lee used – besides his fists of fury and feet — to take down all those bad guys in his movies.

The police department was looking for a versatile tool that would limit injuries to officers and the people they detained – but that would still be an effective means of subduing an unruly suspect. Anderson’s top brass decided nunchakus were the way to go, said Sgt. Casey Day.

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  1. yes use a high speed, metal chain with solid wood handles or metal handles, and hit the perp over the head with it, SURE THAT WON'T CAUSE ANY INJURIES... YET their damn night stick or baton is the same damn thing...

    Man I wish these cops would get taken out... This is just sick...

  2. they don't have tasers?


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