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Friday, October 30, 2015

Congress sends budget and debt deal to Obama

Legislation sparing the country from a catastrophic default and partial government shutdown is ready for President Barack Obama’s signature after the Senate passed it by a comfortable margin.

Senators voted 64-35 for the measure, which also provides a two-year budget, in the early hours Friday.



  1. really all they did was "kick the can down the road". As long as democrats control the purses of Congress - and thus America - we are in debt up to our ying yang and will be facing hard times in the not too distant future. Think about this when you are voting next time.

  2. Boehner screwed us one more time and ran out the door.

  3. 7:31 .But the democrats are not in charge of congress. Where you been?

  4. 8:18 - the Democrats and the RINO's that cooperate with them make up enough to be in charge!

  5. The republicans that went along with this should change party affiliation. YES - Democrats are in charge.


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