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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Coming Soon to the War on Drugs: The Marijuana Breathalyzer

The ridiculous failure of a drug war trudges on here in America. Now researchers at Washington State University are working hard to… CURE CANCER!


Save Babies from SIDS!


Feed homeless people! Solve the energy crisis! Help old ladies cross the street!

Nope, nope, and extra nope.

They are developing a handheld portable device to screen people’s breath for THC, the chemical that a News10 Rochester reporter so astutely reported, “makes you high” in the video clip below.



  1. Considering that Marijuana will most likely be legalized across the country in the near future (whether we like it or not), driving stoned is as dangerous as driving drunk - and law enforcement should have portable tools to aid in 'probable-cause-related' traffic stops only....I do not advocate checkpoints as they are a violation of all civil rights!

    For the future - work on cancer (which rises up everywhere, regardless of finance, race, religion , or other factors) before AIDS (which is generally spread through socially generally unacceptable practices such as IV drug use and homosexual sex)!

  2. Driving stoned is nothing like driving drunk. I can tell you've never twisted one up..... Actually you drive better, your more aware of what's around you. I'd rather have someone who just smoked some pot to drive me home over someone who is drunk.

  3. 8:41 is absolutely correct.
    It is NOTHING like being drunk.
    Keep the fear hyped up, but when you don't know ANYTHING about what you are talking about, it's best to STFU.

  4. Driving stoned is way safer than driving drunk. A million times safer.

  5. I drive stoned all the time, even been stopped at DUI checkpoint coming out of dewey beach. But someone that isn't a habitual smoker might be a little less safe behind the wheel. At the same time, that person who isn't habitual is less likely to get behind a wheel because they're paranoid, or just chilling enjoying their buzz watching a movie or something. A drunk driver is more likely to get behind the wheel because of alcohols effect of liquid courage and clouding judgement.

  6. "Now researchers at Washington State University are working hard to… CURE CANCER!


    Save Babies from SIDS!


    Feed homeless people! Solve the energy crisis! Help old ladies cross the street!"

    Dumb. It takes hundreds of millions, even into the billions and years if research to do those things. And scientists have been working for decades on cancer and aids. A marijuana breathalyzer can't take more than a couple million to make.

  7. once there is a breathalyzer, i won't mind pot being legal.

  8. I don't see how a breathalyzer would work. How do you determine someone is driving stoned? Some people can smoke more than others and not be stoned at all. Pot has different affects than alcohol.


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