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Monday, October 12, 2015

Columbus Day: Unfortunate facts about the explorer

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue — but he certainly wasn't the first.

Christopher Columbus is nationally celebrated on the second Monday of October for supposedly discovering America.

However, he was not the first European to discover America — most believe it was Viking Leif Eriksson.

Eriksson is said to have discovered America nearly five centuries prior to Columbus' visit, according to the History Channel.

And millions of people lived in the Americas before any Europeans arrived.



  1. Columbus was the first freemason to come here.

  2. Who cares? Another day off for the government workers and banks. I'm just glad the teachers haven't found a way to take today off. It's crap. Holidays like this shouldn't mean a days worth of shut downs. Can you imagine how much money is wasted and the work not done today thats creates more work pushed back and it overtime?

  3. The history books still have what are outright Lies about History.People are stupid because they don't know history.The truth is here if you dare to find it.I DARE YOU.


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