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Monday, October 05, 2015

Clinton Scandals -- Watergate Redux

What did the president know and when did he know it?” 

That now-iconic question was asked by Senator Howard Baker, vice chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee, to President Nixon’s White House counsel John Dean on June 29, 1973.

Forty-two years later it is doubtful that President Obama will ever truthfully answer that question as it relates to the mounting number of alleged improprieties lodged against the Clinton Foundation and its connection to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server while she served as his first-term secretary of state. Mrs. Clinton addressed the ongoing e-mail controversy last Sunday on Meet the Press. “It’s like a drip, drip, drip,” she said, and “I want these questions answered.” Perhaps President Obama could offer her some assistance. 

First, there is hard evidence that as early as 2009 the Obama administration knew about Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server. Obama did not pull the plug. Surely, the president’s intelligence advisers warned him that an unsecured home-based server posed a national-security risk. Now we read that Hillary even joked about the prospect of the Chinese hacking her e-mail.



  1. People are sick and tired of hearing all the illegal activity surrounding the Clintons and Obama administration. Just when is legal action going to filed against them? This is why somebody like Trump is looking good to so many. We're tired of the dishonest deeds of politicians.

  2. "as the stomach turns"...

  3. Hope and Change, do these people understand how very stupid they were to vote for this Ass?


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