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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chief Barbara Duncan Wonders, WHERE'S THAT FIRE BOAT?

Obviously the real FIRST RESPONDERS, (the Salisbury Police) were able to be first on the scene for a water rescue, (shown above). 

There was no waiting around for the Salisbury Fire Department, so Chief Barbara Duncan dove into the water herself to help make this rescue. 

The Salisbury Fire Boat was nowhere to be seen. I guess it's only good for RECOVERIES. 


  1. Get the hell outta here! A couple of SFD employees who had the day off took it for a ride. Nothing like a couple beers on a boat. They have been know to take their ambulances for drive by at parties while working. Nothing would surprise me.

  2. White shirt. Damn I missed it.

  3. Watch out for the floaters! Make sure to get a tetanus shot afterward!

  4. Sfd where out clamming with it or jim ireton was using it to skim the poop out for midnight skinny dipping?

  5. Isn't the fire department having their hero ceremony this friday? Maybe they can all wear pink floaties on their arms to honor chief Duncan.

  6. She changes a tire for a stranger... oh look a camera. Someone jumps into the river... oh look a camera. Looks like someone is taking camera lessons from look at me Jimmy.

  7. Bye bye babs in nov.October 14, 2015 at 5:30 PM

    Amazing how she was right there on top of it, Amazing.

    1. Poor victim, check, officers without their duty belt on, check, police chief, check, life ring, check, OK ROLL CAMERA, ACTION!

    2. Exactly, that is how her sick, twisted mind works. Can't get rid of her fast enough!

  8. Bye bye babs in nov.October 14, 2015 at 5:31 PM

    Amazing how she was right there on top of it, Amazing.

  9. I bet jimmy Ireton was scuba diving looking for brown gold.lol

  10. Quit bitching! The fire boat was FREE! Don't you Shire Billies know what free means?

    1. That the TAX payers Payed for it ?

  11. Maybe it's not there because it's a Fire Boat and there was not a fire.

  12. Blogger Barney Rubble said...
    Quit bitching! The fire boat was FREE! Don't you Shire Billies know what free means?

    October 14, 2015 at 5:43 PM

    NOTHING is free

  13. The farboat was paid for with the tax dollars you paid, as well as all the maintenance, bottom cleaning, davits, ans yearly out hauling needed. Pay more taxes, and this is what you get, a fancy pretty boat that is AWOL when it's needed.

    How does your anus feel now?

  14. 6:44 PM: But it is still FREE! Why is that so hard to understand?

  15. A little off topic but I was just looking at Ireton's FB and Day's rambled on just like someone who has had a few too many.
    When questioned on the sell off of parking lots he chimes in and rambled on about something he clearly knows nothing about. He said "Parking is a utility. Like water and sewer service. It must be provided and engineered properly. We won't fail you on either. But it is not an asset to be protected. It is not an economic generator, but a necessary utility."
    He is so behind the times as far as urban planning. FYI Day parking is most certainly without any doubts considered a tool for successful economic development. Wherever he is getting his info he is dead wrong and doesn't need to be jabbering on about something he knows nothing about.

    1. Ireton is Obviously getting a kickback, does matt have any Balz to go after them ?.

  16. Staged staged staged

  17. Caption should read "babs gives water pole dancing lessons"

  18. That water is 3 foot deep. Lmao.

  19. I bet the press release was typed before the call came in.

  20. What a bunch of mindless idiots responding to this post. Great job SPD. Thanks for trying to protect these idiots although I don't know why you bother sometimes. I guess it's DA "Bury" for a reason.

    1. Nope. Stupid and reckless show boating cops. That's our problem.

  21. 703 has never owned a boat.

  22. Way to go, SPD. Name another area local police department that's ever had actual in-the-water rescue training and drills, or ones led by their chief.

  23. Do you folks commenting on here have a brain? Why would officers on the scene wait for a fire boat in a suicide attempt. Time was of the essence.

    These ignorant comments on this posting have surely been made by sick minds. The same ones who i suspect were the same uneducated folks with diarrhea of the mouth last week, believing our protectors deserve no credit as they are paid to do their jobs,

    Suicide attempts are nothing to joke about but what else could one expect when a fool commented last Sunday, a 14 year old should run for VP after accidentally killing a man in a hunting accident. Sadly some don't bother to have compassion to those who need help. Before commenting put yourself in the other's shoes.

    1. If he really wanted to he would step in traffic not wait for the light, walk in the cross walk and then jump in the water yelling I'm killing myself. Please

    2. If Spd had compassion they wouldn't post pics of the victim albeit with blurred face. This was for publicity plain and simple.

  24. In case no one has clued you in yet, this is how it works.

    Homey and his crew get busted for dealing smack in Baltimore.

    They all get sent to ESCI in Princess Anne to serve his time.

    While in jail, their peeps move down here so they can be close to Homey.

    Homey gets let out of jail and since his peeps are already living here with nice new Section 8 housing, he sets up shop here.

    Might as well, there's plenty of Section 8 housing for the peeps and more being built.

    If you doubt this, Ask Barbara Duncan if it's true. See what she says.

    Or Matt or Mike. They all know this is what is going on. It's a battle they fight, every day. You guys get on their cases like they weren't even trying to do their jobs. This is not true. They are all working very hard to protect and serve. But, they are losing the war. Combine that with a city administration and council now owned and operated by SAPOA and it's all over but the crying, folks.

    Which is why I left last year. Because Salisbury has crossed the rubicon. It is not and never will be again, the nice little town, it once was.

    Good luck to those of you good folks still trying to make a life there.

  25. Got no dog in your Salisbury fight, but I can tell you this. People are taking pictures of Duncan doing this stuff because they are shocked to see a police chief being hands-on.

    The woman keeps physically fit and I hear she's a good swimmer. Nobody would jump into the filthy waters there for a photo op. The boy mayor sure wouldn't. Gotta be in a canoe.

    My hat's off to her. If you don't like her, bring back that former chief you all had who did nothing but strut around in a suit. Wouldn't even wear the uniform.

    1. Did you see her swim? Is she a trained life guard? So you don't know if she can swim good great or excellent. Actually you don't know if she can swim at all. Social network has taken over the world. What we do know she has taken a lot of negative hits in the media so it more likely she captilized on a bad situation.

  26. Abosultey know reason for the chief to jump on the water other then for camera. So ridiculous. But however for a cop to get on camera to save a drowning black man hell yes. I bet they were lined up down the street to jump in informs, suits, pajamas and speedos. Please take the pic I'm not racist.

  27. Talk about a Media Whore, whenever there is a TV camera out you can bet Sheriff Lewis will be in front of it!

  28. I think she did great! If you know her background... see is an experienced swimmer...when she was younger, life guard....beach patrol. There is nothing she can't do. Say what u want to dog her. Not everyone is perfect and has made the perfect decisions all the time, but I can certainly tell you....she had bigger balls that Jim Ireton has ever had! If he was there, he would have been screaming like a little girl for somebody to do something. All he does is wine like a frigging brat about everything. I even have gay friends that don't like him. And honesty, you have to have a picture or video for everything you do because there will be that one person to yell the police did something wrong and next thing you know, there will be a riot in da bury'.

  29. That fat lazy a$$ Hoppes was in the $2 million gym in the fire palace which is about a mile walk to his $65,000 Ford SUV so that must have been the delay. NOT!

  30. If the SFD had shown up how many can either swim or are trained in water rescue? Good job spd

    1. So jumping in water with a 35 pound gun belt on is a good idea?

  31. I don't know Matt or Mike. But, I do know Barbara Duncan and Jim Ireton and knew that poser from Ocean City who used to be Chief here. Believe me, Barbara Duncan is a far sight better than that poser.

    Barbara Duncan is Good People. She is doing her very best in a horrible situation. Her force is under funded and she inherited a political mess with horrible morale situation left by the OC Poser, fostered by Lireton and the liar before him.

    If any of you ya-yos knew what you were talking about, you would know that morale has improved on the force. This is not from an insider, but from someone who has had the police at my house several times in the last 10 yrs due to the crime situation in da Bury. In the last 10 yrs, we've had our house pelted with rocks, tagged, home invasion, etc. And during that time I can tell you, the Morale of the officers who responded has improved.

    Barbara and the people working for her are fighting an up-hill battle, hampered by the morons in the council and at City Hall. Please pass the methadone...

    Here's the thing. If you want things to change, be the change you desire. Create the world you desire. Anything less is so much horse apples.

    1. I call bs. Morale is not up at Spd, it is down...waaay down.

    2. You had a home invasion? Did they assault you? Tie you up? Could you id the attackers

    3. Soooo your house is invaded and your so calm you can tell the cops are in better moods therefore moral is better?

  32. I heard Mike Lewis is doing a reenactment. Airing on fox soon.

    1. Hahahahaha! That is some funny stuff, right there!

  33. The water was 40 feet deep there.

  34. Why on earth would she jump in and take the chance of being a victim. It was totally under control. I heard things were bad as spd with her being a glory hound but this is ridiculous. And can she please stop using her sell phone while driving.


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