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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Carson: Blacks Have Been Manipulated By Politicians, Media

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says traditional politicians have long maneuvered African-American voters for their own ends.

“I think American blacks over the course of next year will begin to see that they’ve been manipulated very, very largely,” he told radio host Mike Gallagher on Tuesday.

“[It is] people telling them what they’re supposed to think and what they’re supposed to say,” Carson said. “I believe that is a dynamic that is in the process of changing.”

“More and more, I’m finding, are thinking for themselves and what works for themselves and their communities,” added Carson, who is African-American.

Carson argued the political establishment’s control over any voting demographic stems largely from media bias.

“I long for the day when the media realizes that the reason that they’re the only business that is protected by the Constitution is because it is intended to be for the people,” he said.

“They weren’t supposed to pick sides.”

More here


  1. A black man telling it the way it is instead of what other blacks want to hear is a breath of fresh air.
    Unfortunately most blacks will ignore and/or marginalize Dr Carson and all the while sink deeper into the cess pools in which their neighborhoods have become.
    Too stupid to do anything other than play victim. Too damn stupid. Then sitting around wondering why all the poverty and violence surrounds them.
    It's best to let them wallow in the cess pools and if enough of them drown then maybe they will stop their nonsense and wise up.

  2. Here we go again! !! The poor blacks. PLEASE! !! They Don't give a dam about anything but getting over. They are educated for free if they want it. You could give each of then a million dollars and they still want from the government. They don't care Period! !! They don't value ANYTHING. Say what you want but if you don't know it's true you haven't been around them.

  3. Thank you, Dr. Carson. Too bad that your message will not reach about 99% of the target population, and that the message is in direct opposition to the crap that the likes of Sharpton deliver.


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