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Friday, October 23, 2015

Carroll County official supports Ben Carson's anti-Muslim rhetoric

BALTIMORE —A Carroll County commissioner's support of a presidential candidate's anti-Muslim rhetoric is drawing renewed criticism.

Recent anti-Muslim comments by Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson sparked calls for the retired neurosurgeon to drop out of the race.

"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that," Carson said.

The controversy continued to brew Thursday after an opinion piece published this week in the Carroll County Times.

Carroll County Commissioner Richard Rothschild had a byline in the paper on Monday. His piece backed up Carson's comments.

Opponents called his words "reckless," "hate-filled" and "inaccurate."



  1. Ben's words were thoughtful,true, and expressed the values of Sharia law are in conflict with our Constitution. It's just the truth. If someone wants to live under Sharia Law,they are perfectly welcome to do it; just not in the United States.

    This is not rocket science.

  2. Every good American hates Muslims! Everything any American ever needed to know about Muslims was learned on 911. Kill them all and let God figure it out.

  3. Richard Rothschild and Dr Ben Carson have 1st Amendment rights too! When The Sharia takes over, nobody will


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