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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Radical change in mammogram guidelines

In a break from its longstanding aggressive approach to breast cancer screening, the American Cancer Society now is recommending women have mammograms later in life -- and less frequently -- starting annually at age 45, then every other year after age 54.



  1. who didn't see this coming? anybody need a vaccination?

  2. Really? How can anyone be surprised. Anyone who didn't know for a fact that under Obamacare healthcare rationing was going to occur is a moron. And for those who I warned this would happen and tried to tell me otherwise "I TOLD YOU SO"
    I feel sorry for those who will develop breast cancer and was never an obama supporter. To those who supported obama and their cancer goes undetected because of obamacare it's one of those be careful what you wish for things. If this sounds harsh, tough. Suck it up. All you obama supporters need to be told the way it is.

  3. Wait! Women can just get mammograms done at Planned Parenthood!
    Nope. Another LIE!

  4. I don't know about anyone else but we used to have great insurance at work. Now for the same cost it is not so good. We have never used it much but it was nice knowing if we needed it we would be covered. With a 2k deductible per person now we can't afford to get sick.

  5. To 2:49pm
    Wow, you've got a $2,000 deductible. That's what ours USED to be. This year they changed us to a $4,000 deductible. If we want the lower one, we have to pay more out of our paycheck to get it. And the people who are paying for their own insurance out on the market and can only afford the bronze plans have even higher than the $4,000 deductible. So be glad you have what you do.

  6. 7:41
    I understand it is still pretty good for insurance these days, but this is happening to many people. How many people are avoiding going to the doctors now because the deductible is so high. I guess that was the plan all along. Those that had insurance.....up their rates and deductible so that those that get it for free can go to the doctor with what we pay in premiums each year.

  7. So the idea of early detection is a thing of the past. Thank you congress for finding out what's in this bill by passing it. If you pay out of your own pocket, can you get one every year?
    For those who are high risk, it's the way to go. & cheaper.

  8. The basic plan seems to be a monthly premium for insurance that no one can afford to use, and IF, by some turn of events, one DOES need to use it, one is forced to come up with several thousand dollars in cash BEFORE the "insurance" starts paying PART of the bills.
    The insurance company exec's are rubbing their hands in glee at how brilliant this was and how much money they will make!! The "representatives" of "we, the people" are also rubbing their hands together --- they'll need a good grip on the suitcase of cash they took to sell out the citizenry.
    The people? Well, look. Not everyone can be a winner in a capitalist economy. Yes, people will get sick and die. Yes, we engineered this thing. And yes, some people (our family and friends, mostly) will get extremely rich off it, but you just can't fight tradition.
    Now go ask obama for your $2500 in "savings". Tell me what he says now.
    And, keep cheering.


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