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Saturday, October 10, 2015

#BlackLivesMatter Leader Warns US Needs New Constitution or “There will be Bullets”

Blake Simons, a UC Berkeley student, argues that a Constitution written by white men will never serve the interests of Black People.

A “Black Lives Matter” leader has issued a dire warning for the United States: the United States needs a new Constitution or else, he warns, “it will be the bullet” for the US.

Blake Simons, who wrote an article detailing his ideas, is the Deputy Comms Director of “Afrikan Black Coalition.” The name of his piece is “A New Constitution or the Bullet.”

Simons writes, “Our Black Lives Matter protests have stormed the country, yet cops continue to kill us daily, and the judicial system continues to justify our deaths with acquittals, non-indictments, and light sentences-all in the name of upholding the Constitution.”



  1. Domestic terrorists!

  2. Blah.blah.blah. the only thing killing blacks daily is other blacks. Police shootings are miniscule when compared to black on black gun crimes. And no new gun laws can help it, as 90% of the guns are illegal, and 50% of those involved shouldn't be in possession of a gun in the first place.

  3. Simons you forgot something...even with your protest you continue to kill one another on a daily basis, the cops can't catch them either!!! LOL

  4. If we fill a large boat and ship them back to the stink hole of a country they came from maybe then we would have some peace and quiet.......if black lives mattered so much maybe they wouldn't kill each other at the rate they do........it's time to build the boat........

  5. News flash no one gives a carp about your black lives matters hate group

  6. send them back to their homeland. and let them fix the problems there. same for the muslims!

  7. He's a punk just check out his cry baby facebook page.

  8. Simons has probably never read the Constitution, otherwise, he would never say what he said.

  9. Lincoln offered a trip back to Africa for the black slaves when they were freed. Most didn't take it. So their ancestors CHOSE to stay.


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