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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Black Lives Matter asks state Dems for 'reparations'

Will Black Lives Matter revive the debate over reparations?

The case for reparations is typically made as a form of economic compensation to descendants of slaves. These days, some racial activists also make the case for reparations as compensation for systemic discrimination in law enforcement.

Several black leaders addressed Democratic state legislators Friday at the State Innovation Exchange in Washington, D.C.

"Thinking about decriminalization with reparations," Marbre Shahly-Butts, deputy director of racial justice at the Center for Popular Democracy, said. "The idea is we that have extracted literally millions of dollars from communities, we have destroyed families. Mass incarceration has led to the destruction of communities across the country. We can track which communities, like we have that data. And so if we're going to be decriminalizing things like marijuana, all of the profit from that should go back to the folks we've extracted it from." That comment received widespread applause from the crowd of Democratic state legislators. Shahly-Butts was referring to decriminalizing more than drug crimes, but also loitering, bans on saggy pants and thousands of other laws that disproportionately affect blacks.



  1. we should give them all the reparations they want, we will get it all back through the state lottery

  2. I have an idea. Let's give them all a job.

  3. ... Shaking my damn head... STOP looking for a hand-out!!!

  4. Give them their money, but with the stipulation they have to leave America and go back to Africa if they take the money. Why this, because we are paying them back for the terrible thing that was done to their ancestors, and we are making it right by returning them to the homeland!

  5. good idea 207 but that is the last thing they want

  6. the don't deserve a handout anymore than i am entitled to,being as my ancestors came over to this country as indentured servants,the white slaves of the time

  7. LOL but they are getting Reparations its called ,Free food elec rent healthcare sitting home 24/7

  8. Sure, here's a few hundred million in "reparations" all ready to disperse to the needy greedy.

    But we're going to cut that in half, since only maybe half have ever had any criminal dealings with law enforcement and the judicial system.

    Then subtract "reparations" to victims of black on white hate crimes. You know, hospital bills, permanent injuries and brain damage for example, as well as loss of earnings. We won't even mention compensation for pain and suffering, as well as mental and emotional trauma. Looks like they owe US, by a significant margin. And knock off a chunk, who weren't even descended from slaves in this country.

    We'll be tacking on a deduction, for the percentage that were slave owners themselves.

    But wait...there's more!

    Secondary and indirect losses, such as increased taxes on working people, that pays for repairs to public property they brazenly destroy in the false name of "Justice". And the cost of increased police presence, due to their behavior and violence. Plus the cost of the plethora of special programs and gimmes for their children, since they can't be bothered to raise them properly. And the enormous cost of the juvenile offenders, and all the facilities and "diversion programs".

    I think they'd best cut their losses, and quit before the accounts are truly settled up.

    Because we haven't even factored in the trillion dollars or so, of welfare, food stamps, public housing, free medical, not to mention the obamaphones, free cheese and much more. Let alone the cost to the victims of "affirmative action", subjected to quotas, inflated test scores and outright preferential hiring practices.

    Looks to me, they owe us a whole lot more than they're worth.

  9. 2;41,right on but they want more,one attorney on msnbc said each should get a $70,000 check from the government.

    1. Minus welfare and white reparations for crimes committed against white people.

  10. Washington D.C. is not a State.

  11. The best accepted estimate for welfare and other similar programs which began in 1964 by Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson and his "Great Society" program has doled out nearly 5 TRILLION dollars. This was supposed to eliminate the 12% poverty level.
    The poverty level has never gone below that figure. Wasted money. Consider all reparations paid in full by several times over.

  12. Keep letting them kill each other and we won't need to give anybody anything

  13. I had three great great grandfathers fight for Pennsylvania in the Civil War, one of them was wounded. None of my ancestors ever owned a slave, nor were they rich enough even if they wanted to.

  14. Return to sender.

  15. Give it to them then after that they never get another thing free. No food stamp, phone, discount housing, health care or anything else. Food for thought. In the long run it may save money.map

  16. Does it ever friggin stop?

  17. welfare=repartitions. period. your welcome.

  18. 3:02 PM 100% correct.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Give them their money, but with the stipulation they have to leave America and go back to Africa if they take the money. Why this, because we are paying them back for the terrible thing that was done to their ancestors, and we are making it right by returning them to the homeland!

    October 7, 2015 at 2:15 PM

    We aren't obligated to pay anything or to make anything right because of what was done to their ancestors. There is not one person alive today that can prove that their ancestors did anything bad to their slave, their property.

    Ok think about this. I just bought a nice Lincoln Navigator for $75,000 and then after 4 years I start having little problems with it where it is nickel and diming me to dead. Then one day shortly after the warranty expires the Navigator breaks down and quits working. What am I going to do? Am I going to beat my Navigator? Am I going to walk around and break out all the windows? Am I going to beat on it so bad that it will never run again?

    No! No I am not, because it is my property and I take pride in my property and I can get it fixed cheaper than I can buy a new one. Money doesn't grow on trees and I can't afford a new one. See my point...

  20. They don't give a dong about black lives!!! It's all about the money. Surprise, surprise. NOT!!! Their 15 minutes of fame is beginning to diminish.

  21. How can the government pay such a bill. Who is really consider Black in this country. The bloodline is so mixed. White slave owners were dipping and dabbing their dickies in everything. Black men and white men today are still dipping, dabbing, bumping and rumping everything with two legs and a slit. Who to say what color you are today. The government just need to pay every middle-class, poor, no income, and the elders reparations. They can afford it. Let's just shut this reparation idea down for good and move forward. Frankly, I am sick to death hearing about reparations. Everyone in this country deserve some form of reparations due to slavery, the Civil War and civil rights. Every business man and women made millions of dollars off of slavery, Civil War and civil rights. The poor is still suffering. Give me my check so I can move forward in peace.

    1. Blacks owened the Most Slaves FACT.

  22. We need White only sanctuary cities.

  23. They are a terrorist group of cry babies.


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