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Monday, October 12, 2015

Ben Carson Calls Out The Press

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson admonished the Washington press corps Friday, calling the news media “embarrassing” and “insincere” and vowing to “expose” the institutional bias he says runs rampant.

Speaking at a gathering of reporters and communications professionals at the National Press Club in Washington, Carson lashed out at the press, citing several instances where he believes his views have been misrepresented.

“Many in the press will say I’m sensitive and that I should not be thinking about running for office, because I get offended by what they do,” he said. “But the reason I expose the press is because I want the people of America to understand what they’re doing. It’s not because I’m sensitive.”

The retired neurosurgeon said he has no intention of calling a truce with the news media.

“I will continue to expose them every time they do something, so that as more people understand what they are and what they’re doing, it will negate their effect,” he said. “Until they have the kind of transformation that’s necessary for them to become allies of the people, we have to know what they’re doing.”

Read more here

1 comment:

  1. Of course he has in intention of being president either. This is all about selling books and padding his retirement.
    I give him credit for increasing his wealth.


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