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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Average American Worker Earns Less Today Than 40 Years Ago

Inflation explodes, salaries do not

Because most everything we buy gets more expensive over time, we have to earn more money each year just to maintain our existing standard of living.

When we’re not given raises that keep up with this rate of inflation, we’re effectively suffering a pay cut.



  1. I'm making the same as I did in 1988. I have gotten many raises over the years and still making the same amount. Why?? Because these flipping Democrats only know give to the bums, non working POS year after year. Pass laws and misinterpret the constitution to NOW give my hard earned money to illegal aliens that our NOW collecting welfare. When does it stop??? When are we going to help out AMERICA before the bums and worthless POS of the world??

  2. I was in college in 1985 and I wasn't making more money


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