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Monday, October 12, 2015

Atheists Torpedo Student Choirs for Christmas

A Wisconsin-based atheist group helped kill a 25-year Christmas tradition for choir students in an Oregon public school district.

The Grotto’s Christmas Festival of Lights has been held in Portland, Oregon, for over two decades, featuring choirs from churches, schools and other organizations. The event is held in a botanical garden and Catholic shrine.

A complaint filed in the district by the Freedom from Religion Foundation prompted officials to ban all school choirs from performing at the festival, the Oregonian reported Thursday.

Lawyers reviewed the atheists group’s complaint and concluded the legal risk of continuing the annual tradition was too much for the district to accept. Teachers were informed of the decision last month.

“It was a sad decision for us to make and it was a hard decision,” Portland Public Schools District spokeswoman Christine Miles told the newspaper on Thursday. “If we know there is a legal risk and we don’t do anything, then that’s not the right thing to do.”

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  1. If atheists dont believe in anything why Believe they exist.?

  2. Giving in to bullying just makes it worse.

  3. Do atheists celebrate atheism with a holiday devoted to it?

  4. I know who atheists really serve.

  5. When is someone going to stand up to them!!!!?????

  6. It's time to rebel. If EVERYONE rebelled, the ACLU would be overwhelmed and would go away. JUST REBEL NOW...

  7. Just sing anyway without any sponsorship connection. Those who will love you will appreciate you; those who hate you will be powerless.


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