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Monday, October 12, 2015

Atheists Are Really Sad Because People Keep Vandalizing Their Adopt-A-Highway Sign, You Guys

The Adopt-A-Highway sign heralding a stretch of road occasionally cleaned by a California atheist group has been defaced for a second time in the last three weeks.

The most recent act of vandalism to the sign sponsored by Atheists United San Luis Obispo occurred last week. An unknown perpetrator sawed the sign off its posts and painted over the first letter and the last letters of “Atheists.”

Thus, after the vandalism, the all-caps word “ATHEISTS” was transformed to “THEIST.”



  1. Funny, if this were the other way around the headline wouldn't be so snarky and the article would be inflamed with Christian persecution rhetoric, now wouldn't it?

    Doing this to the sign, seems rather.... well.."un-Christ" like, don't ya think?

    Guess this doesn't fit the "persecution" narrative so well, does it?

    1. I dont believe Athists exist since they don't believe what i think.

  2. 3:07
    You assume that a Christian did this. What proof do you have to back up your assumption?

  3. @3:11

    Never said that anyone did it, anyone could have... I pointed out the tone and narrative of the headline and article was disingenuous.

    Had the tables been turned, the headline wouldn't have been snarky and everyone would have been yelling about Christians being persecuted. Seems, dishonest and disingenuous to me.

  4. In this country we have the right to either worship God or to not believe in God at all.Like it or not that is our right and priviledge.I am a Christian,but I have no malice toward those who are not.

    1. I agree, but it seems these anti American groups have gone from we do not want to be persecuted to being worst kind of bullies.


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