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Thursday, October 15, 2015

America Today

1 comment:

  1. The trade skills are where the jobs will be.
    There is a nationwide shortage of Plumbers, electricians, pipefitters, welders, and most other construction trades.

    The Roads, buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure in this country is failing. My son is in trade school right now to learn welding and when he gets out, he will have a job making more than me!
    I work with the unemployed, so I see where the jobs are, and I can tell you, Office jobs are few and far between. Especially for men. The loser is the college Grad with a worthless degree in liberal arts, or some other degree that has been outsourced to another country.
    My other son is going to college for Civil engineering. He has a job working in this field on his college breaks.


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